ESI Holmatro Gold Pin Award
Holmatro wants to recognize each person that assisted in the efforts of preserving lives by using a Holmatro Rescue Tool.
What is this award?
The Holmatro “GOLD PIN AWARD” comes with a certificate of achievement with the persons name and department, and a gold plated lapel pin in the shape of a miniature Holmatro Spreader.
Who is eligible for this award?
Those department members who were present at the scene of the incident.
How do you apply for this award?
The department must send a letter, signed by the Fire Chief or Officer in Charge, to Holmatro explaining the nature of the rescue call, how Holmatro Rescue Tools were used and how important it was that they had the equipment available. A copy of the incident report and if possible, copies of newspaper articles, television footage and/or pictures of the incident should be included.
Please send all the materials to:
c/o Vicky Azzara
119 Keystone Drive
Montgomeryville, PA 18936
Shortly after receiving the information, Holmatro will send all certificates and Gold Pins to the attention of the Fire Chief or Officer in Charge.
Should you have any questions regarding HOW and WHO can apply for the Holmatro “GOLD PIN”, please call us.
ESI Equipment proud to be dealer of Holmatro products and proud of the fire and rescue personnel and departments that use them.